Friday, April 4, 2008

General thoughs and upcoming Flight

Hello all,

So these are some general thoughts on planes and flying.

On of the things you always want to do, especially if you fly mainly for business or transportation, is to remember to get up there and just fly for fun. Rent a plane, or take your own, and just hop in and fly. No destination. No plan. Just fly. Remember why we do this. For each of you it is different, but I do it for fun. I love to fly. Love it.

On the 19th of this month I have a plane scheduled. I have zero plans as to where I am flying. I am just going up. If I am joined by my father I may take him to the Hudson VFR Corridor, or I may not. There are so many possibilities in this area that almost any flight will be fun.

Anyway, just flet like I had to blather on a bit :)

Keep flying!

-Martin A. Lessem, JD
AOPA Project Pilot Mentor
Passed 100 hrs!!! (113.3 at the moment)

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